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Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Guest Commentary

At Bridge, we believe in listening to voices from all over our state. Got something to say? Contact us and join the conversation (details below)

How to submit a Guest Commentary

What to know:

Bridge welcomes a diversity of voices and perspectives from readers on issues important to Michigan. Guest commentaries reflect the views of the author(s), and are independent of the nonpartisan, fact-driven reporting of Bridge’s newsroom staff. 

Commentaries must be the author’s original work and preferably will not have appeared first in other publications. Bridge reserves the right to decline submissions at our discretion. 

We reserve the right to edit commentary for grammar, clarity, brevity or to address legal or factual concerns. We may offer editing suggestions, but in the service of making your work more accessible, not to alter your views.   

We do not pay for guest commentary.   

Here are some guidelines: 

  • Columns are usually 500-700 words
  • They generally focus on a Michigan topic or policy and should avoid ad hominem attacks
  • The more direct, distinct and/or intimate your perspective, the more effective your column will be
  • The best columns do more than identify problems; they also offer solutions and facts to back them up 
  • Please include a one- or two-sentence bio, including the writer’s organization or relevant background  
  • Send a good quality, large headshot of the writer(s) as an attachment
  • We also ask that, in return for publishing a guest commentary, the author(s) and their organizations generously promote the link to the published column through your Facebook, Twitter and other social or professional networks.

That’s about it. Keep the writing clear, conversational and free of jargon, and sell our smart and receptive readership on the argument you are trying to make. 

Who to contact: 

Email your submission or idea to Please briefly describe who you are and what you would like to say and put the words "guest commentary" in the email subject line.
