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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

We want YOU! Time’s Running Short on Community Conversations

The end of the current round of Center for Michigan community conversations in nearly upon us and we want to hear from you! On April 6th, we’re concluding this round of discussions, which ask participants to share their agenda for Michigan. Haven’t participated yet? Don’t fret! There’s still time to share YOUR priorities for our state.

Option 1:
Participate in the last of three large community conversations co-hosted by Detroit Public Television. The conversation will be held Monday, March 24th from 6-7:30 pm at Oakland Community College’s Auburn Hills Campus, Building G, room G240, 2900 Featherstone Road, Auburn Hills. RSVP here.

Both are free, and light refreshments will be provided. DPTV’s MiWeek host Christy McDonald will facilitate.

Option 2:
There are still several in-person conversations taking place across the state you can attend! Check out the Center for Michigan’s Facebook events page to RSVP to a conversation near you.

Option 3:
Finally, if you can’t attend an in-person discussion but still want to share your priorities for Michigan, participate in the Center’s online community conversation. The conversation is guided via video by the Center’s Public Engagement team, and is introduced by both candidates for governor, Republican incumbent Rick Snyder and Democratic challenger Mark Schauer! Visit the online conversation page and start your conversation today.

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