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Watch Bridge’s Lunch Break discussion on Michigan’s industrial legacy

lunch break poster
  • On Thursday, Sept. 28, Bridge business reporter and associate editor Paula Gardner and environment reporter Kelly House discussed their industrial legacy reporting project with membership and engagement director Amber DeLind
  • Readers had the opportunity to ask questions of the team about their findings
  • Watch a recording of the Zoom event here:

Bridge Michigan’s monthly Lunch Break series returned Thursday with a discussion about Bridge’s in-depth reporting project on the state’s industrial legacy.

If you missed this live Zoom event, you can watch it on-demand below.


The discussion focused on the findings of the reporting project and offered a behind-the-scenes look at how the project came together.

Bridge Michigan business reporter and associate editor Paula Gardner and environment reporter Kelly House shared details on how Bridge calculated the costs of auto pollution to the Michigan public, how issues related to industrial pollution are playing out in communities where electric vehicle battery plants are being proposed, and the environmental and economic impacts on communities where auto plants and suppliers have closed. 

Membership and engagement director Amber DeLind moderated the discussion on the economic and environmental impacts of the state’s manufacturing past and present.

Bridge’s Lunch Break monthly series focuses on timely topics facing our state. Previous discussions have included examinations of efforts to educate students for careers in Michigan, solutions to gun violence in Michigan, November 2022’s general election results, youth mental health in Michigan and ideas for growing the population in our state.



Become a Bridge Club member to be notified of future events from our nonprofit newsroom and receive member-exclusive benefits such as free Bridge event tickets, copies of our bimonthly Bridge Culture Club selections and more. Member support allows us to offer engagement opportunities like this Lunch Break series.  

To stay up-to-date on upcoming events and Bridge Michigan’s reporting on the state’s economy and environment, sign up for our Business and Environment Watch newsletters.

Our next Lunch Break event will take place during the last week of October. The date and topic will be announced in Bridge soon.

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